Traditional Medicine Teas by Crofoot Creations

Traditional Medicine Teas by Crofoot Creations

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Experience natural medicinal teas made by Lindsey Crofoot, a Tlingit tribal member and Colville descendant. Lindsey is an Indigenous educator and Native Environmental Scientist. She gathers all the ingredients in the traditional manner and shares her knowledge with the local community. 

  • Nettle Leaf & Rosehip, high in Vitamins A, C, iron, and magnesium and a diversity of antioxidants that help boost immune function and relieve cold and flu symptoms, support good heart health and function, boost respiratory health, and improve digestion. Anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties help with aches and pains from arthritis.
  • Nettle & Dandelion Root, high in iron, vitamin K and calcium, drying effect can provide cough and cold relief and help reduce water weight.  Works to boost immune system, supports and promotes nervous system and urinary tract health.
  • Nettle, Cedar & Licorice Root, high in Vitamins A, C, iron, and calcium and a diversity of antioxidants that help boost immune function and relieve cold and flu symptoms, support good heart health and function, boost respiratory health, and improve digestion. Anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties help with aches and pains from arthritis.
  • Each package hold 10g loose tea and comes with five fillable tea bags
  • Each package is sold separately

Disclaimer of Medical Liability:

Traditional Medicinals products and product information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek the guidance of your qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

All proceeds go towards the United Indians' programs and services which support the urban Native community.