Collection: Seciwa’s SW Native Jewelry & Crafts

Sibert Seciwa and his wife Vita are the proud owners of Seciwa’s SW Native Jewelry & Crafts and have lived in the Seattle area for over forty-five years. They are a fixture at local powwows, gatherings, and events where they sell jewelry and crafts from their combined heritages of Zuni, Navajo, Laguna, and other Southwest tribes. Both are trained and accomplished traditional jewelry artisans whose work reflects their cultural heritage and traditional values.
The pair specialize in jewelry and artwork of the Zuni tribe who have one of the highest concentrations of skilled craftsmen and working artists at the Pueblo of Zuni. Very few of these artists leave the reservation to sell their work at market places. To survive, some artists succumb to pressures imposed by visiting non-native traders and buyers to sell their work at much lower prices. The Seciwas work with these artists, including family and friends to buy their work at fair prices that provide equitable compensation for their work and a decent income for their families. The exposure the artists receive and the history that the Seciwas pass on to their customers is absolutely invaluable to buyers.
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